Author: Zack Newsome


This week I had one of the most moving experiences of my life.  I am indebted to the power of art to evoke emotion, to remind, to tell story, to confront, and to recapture my imagination from the prison of the mundane.  I am convinced I need art to help me to see the beauty of the world again, to regain confidence in all of humanity as created in the image of God, and to appreciate the love I have for my wife, the gift of my kids, and the sharing of life with good friends.  Words can't begin to do justice to the experience and my words become jumbled, cheap, and useless when trying to share the experience with others.

What the art was that invoked this in me isn't as important as the acknowledgment of the power of art to speak into my life and to give clarity to the confusion.   I am convinced it is a primary way God speaks to our world.

Travel & Fund-raising

From April 9th to April 14th, I'll be traveling to the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas to raise financial support for our new ministry initiative in downtown Phoenix.  In the days leading up to the trip, I am setting up appointments with those interested in hearing more about communitasPHX and open to sharing resources with us to kick this effort off.  Here's what the schedule currently looks like:

Los Angeles leg: (I'll be staying with friends in the Ventura County area)

Wednesday, April 9th @ 9am – arriving
Saturday, April 12th @ 1pm – departing for the Bay Area 

Bay Area Leg:

Saturday, April 12th @ 3pm – arriving
Monday, April 14th @ 7om – departing for Phoenix 


If you live in these areas and would like to hear what we're up to these days and discover how you can partner with us in it, email me and we'll set up a time to meet.

A good friend of ours, Rob has posted a short video interview about my upcoming trip to the bay area for those of you wanted a bit more detail. Here's the video.

BTW: Thanks for those of you who are putting me up, hosting groups for me to meet with, or otherwise making this trip happen! You know who you are.


what’s new (or better…what’s isn’t new)

There's so much newness around the Newsome house these days and all the transition has forced us into a more private season of life as we have been too busy to post stories, ideas, pictures, video, etc.  Many of you have expressed curiousity as to what life looks like for us these days and thanks to Flickr – we're gonna show you:

Downtown BungalowNew House – we rented our house in Mesa and rented a 1924 Bungalow in a Historic District in Downtown Phoenix.  Within walking distance of First Fridays, the ballpark/arena, tons of museums and galleries, and some amazing restaurants/pubs. Take a little tour here. This great place with tons of history (it used to be a hair salon at one point) will serve as homebase as we launch a missional order in the Coronado District.





New Puppy – while the neighborhood is amazing, beautiful, creative, and filled with artists, it's become clear that our move downtown demands that we be more aware of our surroundings.  Part of this is having a dog to patrol the backyard keeping the bad guys from coming into our yard from the back alley.  With Moses our Great Dane on his last leg, we decided to train up a new recruit.  So here's our new boxer puppy – Chance.  He's adorable and crazy, but seems like a good dog so far. See some more pictures of him here.



Urban CruiserNew Bike – with so much to do so close by I can drive much much less. There's a whole bike scene down here with everyone from urban hipsters to homeless folks getting around on legpower.  And it seems a week doesn't go by without hearing about a group bike ride or a pub crawl on bikes (which sounds like a lot of fun).  My bike isn't anything special – a black beach cruiser, but attach the two-kid trailer to the back, get Kelli on her $15 1970's KMart 3-speed and watch out.  Anyway – it's been great relearning how to ride.  I've got my eye on this beast down the road.




Downtown Photo Set – as we snap more and more photos of downtown PHX, we'll add them to this set for your viewing pleasure, so check back from time to time.

Link: Newsome Flickr Page


communitasPHX blog is live


Months ago Kelli and I joined the staff of CRM (Church Resource Ministries) to launch a new "Communitas" team in downtown Phoenix. Communitas is a division within CRM that is focused on creating teams of people that would explore how to engage the people around them who are outside the current reach of the church.  If you know me at all, this mission is right up my alley, always interested in how to expose the reality and availability of the Kingdom of God in new, fresh, and creative ways.  

The past few months have had us spinning to prepare for this new work – assessments, training, travel, moving, settling in, raising support, etc – it's been pretty crazy.  But as we've dug deeper into the support-raising side of things (we raise our own support for this), we recognized the need to get our dreams and directions on paper and on the web ASAP.
So today that's what we did.
If you've visited in the past few weeks you've found a simple (but good looking I must say) splash page that has no info and links to no other information.  Friends, churches, and potential supporters have all mentioned their desire to learn more about what it is exactly we're out to create in downtown Phoenix. As of today (April 1st), we've added a blog to the site as well as an email link for more information.
As of 11am this morning, there's only one post, but on the blog you'll also find some communitasPHX documents that will help shape who we become as well as some links to those we call partners in all of this. 
We want to invite you to follow the journey we're on.  Check back at the blog from time to time to learn more – or better yet, subscribe to the feed with your favorite feedreader.

…100 days later

It's been a long time since I've blogged here.  Other than a few misc. links and pictures, this blog has been slow & silent.  It hasn't been because I haven't had things to say or things to "propose" as I see best describing my typical posts, it's more that I've entered into a private season recently.  I am not sure if anyone else feels this way about the various web-driven ways we expose our lives (facebook, myspace, blogs, twitter, flickr, etc.), but my existence can become so reliant on these less-than-personal and distanced forms of communication as the sole means of revealing myself to others.  In the name of transparency, I can be deceived into believing that I can be known through my blog or my facebook or that I can have deep and meaningful conversations via Instant Messaging.  If this remains true in my life for an extended season, my existence becomes "public".  In other words, my efforts online become for someone else (usually someone who is imagined and not real) and who I am become shaped by what I want others to think I am from my online presence.  Not very authentic eh?

So for the past few months, I have been struggling with this sense of things being too "public", but without an answer or new direction to head.  In a way I needed to re-discover the role(s) that blogging/facebook/flickr/___ play in my life.  And I finally am sensing some clarity on this front.

So with that said – I am going to try to ease back into the rhythm of posting to this blog. And truth be told – what gets posted here will be for myself, for me to flesh out some truths, for me to wrestle with what it means to follow of Jesus with a symbolic posture.  I reclaim this website as "my space" and while I welcome and need others to participate – I want the posts to better reflect the depth of journey that I am experiencing as a man, husband, dad, friend, follower-of-Jesus, apostolic leader, artist, dreamer, and trouble-maker.  If something in that resonates with you – you're welcome around here as often as you'd like. If not, there are tons of blogs and webpspaces you'll probably enjoy more.

Lent is here again

lent.jpgKelli and I are in Anaheim for a week of meetings at the CRM offices.  We are amazed at the ethos and heart of those involved in CRM.  They have created a number of resources to help those interested in joining with the CRM community in observing this Lenten season.  If you're looking for a resource to help your Lenten journey this year, there's an email devotional where once you sign up you'll be sent a devotional each day through Lent.  There's even a Facebook group you can join if that's the way your roll. If you're interested, take a look here.

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