It's been a long time since I've blogged here. Other than a few misc. links and pictures, this blog has been slow & silent. It hasn't been because I haven't had things to say or things to "propose" as I see best describing my typical posts, it's more that I've entered into a private season recently. I am not sure if anyone else feels this way about the various web-driven ways we expose our lives (facebook, myspace, blogs, twitter, flickr, etc.), but my existence can become so reliant on these less-than-personal and distanced forms of communication as the sole means of revealing myself to others. In the name of transparency, I can be deceived into believing that I can be known through my blog or my facebook or that I can have deep and meaningful conversations via Instant Messaging. If this remains true in my life for an extended season, my existence becomes "public". In other words, my efforts online become for someone else (usually someone who is imagined and not real) and who I am become shaped by what I want others to think I am from my online presence. Not very authentic eh?
So for the past few months, I have been struggling with this sense of things being too "public", but without an answer or new direction to head. In a way I needed to re-discover the role(s) that blogging/facebook/flickr/___ play in my life. And I finally am sensing some clarity on this front.
So with that said – I am going to try to ease back into the rhythm of posting to this blog. And truth be told – what gets posted here will be for myself, for me to flesh out some truths, for me to wrestle with what it means to follow of Jesus with a symbolic posture. I reclaim this website as "my space" and while I welcome and need others to participate – I want the posts to better reflect the depth of journey that I am experiencing as a man, husband, dad, friend, follower-of-Jesus, apostolic leader, artist, dreamer, and trouble-maker. If something in that resonates with you – you're welcome around here as often as you'd like. If not, there are tons of blogs and webpspaces you'll probably enjoy more.