Harmony + Health Acupuncture: Website

Harmony and Health Acupuncture is a new acupuncture clinic in Central Phoenix where the ancient art of Traditional Chinese Medicine  is combined with modern medical science to treat a broad range of conditions. Owner Ann Rea consulted MethodLab Media to design a website for her new business that was clean, modern, and pleasing to the eyes.

For H+H, we developed a website built upon the WordPress platform giving the look and feel of a traditional site, but with the administrative ability for the client to log-in the backend of the site to make edits and changes herself. The site makes great use of the identity and color scheme we developed for H+H, and has just the right amount of movement at the top of the page to create interest, while keeping the site uncluttered. We’re excited to be partnering with Ann and Harmony and Health Acupuncture as they bring there terrific services to Central Phoenix.

Web Design, WordPress development

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

Callaway Collegiate Match Play Championship

The Collegiate Match Play Championship is an annual tournament organized by our client, The Golf Coaches Association of America. The Golf Coaches Association of America (GCAA) is a professional association representing collegiate men’s golf coaches and their student-athletes throughout the country.  Established in 1958, this non-profit organization of more than 700 members is dedicated to educating, promoting and recognizing both its members and the student-athletes who participate in collegiate golf at all levels. The Collegiate Match Play Championship is recognized as having one of the top collegiate fields annually and has been held on some truly great venues including Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth, Texas; Reynolds Plantation the Oconee Course, Greensboro, Georgia; Mission Inn Golf Resort, Howey In the Hills, Florida and in 2009 The Farms Golf Club in Rancho Santa Fe, California.

We developed the Collegiate Match Play site with the GCAA in mind, building the site on a Content Management System that allowed them to easily add and edit content during the event itself.  After each round of play, the GCAA team loaded news articles, picture galleries, and scoring updates to the site to inform fans, as well as friends & family members of the participants.

The design highlights the content, while keeping the aesthetic minimal and complementary.  We’re proud to work with the GCAA and the great events they host around the nation.

Web Design, CMS Development

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

ReWire: Marketing Brochure

ReWire is a new initiative of Church Resource Ministries that works with existing church leaders to help them better engage the culture around them.  They wanted a look that represented their interest in urban environments and the messy reality of our world, yet would still resonate with leaders in local church contexts.

We designed an identity for ReWire that balanced the two worlds that their work represents. We then developed a tri-fold marketing brochure (7″x7″) utilizing gritty, urban imagery and clean typography.  Finally, we used elements of the identity & the brochure to design a few header images for use in CRM’s existing website.

Identity Design, Print Design, Web Design

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

The Remba Project

The Remba Project is a social enterprise connecting people who want make a difference with products that do. Everything they sell is hand-made, organic, and fair-trade from artisans in developing countries around the world. As Remba sells these products, they are able to provide new resources to the underdeveloped and under-resourced communities in which these products are made.

We had the opportunity to create Remba’s visual identity – their “face” to the world along with a promotional print piece in which they’ll use to share their products with the world.

Branding, Print Design

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

PHX Brew Party

The PHX BrewParty is an annual party we throw in connection with communitasPHX. Billed as a celebration of creativity & community, the PHX Brew Party is part homebrewing competition, part benefit, & part community event.  Hosted in the front yard of a 1920’s bungalow in Downtown Phoenix, the party will showcase 14 locally brewed beers and 4 local DJ’s.  Proceeds from the PHX BrewParty will benefit the work of communitasPHX. Apart from the branding and web site for the party, we also screenprinted a limited amount of t-shirts and posters for the party.

Branding, Web Design, Screen-printing

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

CRM 2010 World Wide Conference

After an initial successful project in Uncovered, CRM asked us to develop a new site that would be the main hub of information for their upcoming World Conference in Malaysia.  Less than a year away, the conference serves as an “every-four-years” gathering of their entire staff across the planet.  As the WWC is a major event that shapes the future direction of the organization, it was important to CRM to create a well-designed, intuitive site that their global staff could access for conference details.  Use of Twitter, a blog for news updates, an RSS feed, and a custom html-email template were all a part of the package we produced for the event.

As with all of our projects, we designed this solution with their administrative team in mind.  The content is easily accessible via an administrative section and the entire site can be edited in-house without a need for knowledge of html.

Web Design, WordPress development, html-email design

This article was originally posted at www.methodlabmedia.com

A Tribute to Grafitti

I love graffiti.  Good graffiti in one of the most impressive forms of public art able to change the aesthetic of a neighborhood giving it a sense of place.  Bad graffiti reminds us of the inherent messiness of our urban spaces offering a subtle suggestion that not all see the same city we do.  This weekend, Smashing Magazine, a design blog I follow, posted a “Tribute to Graffiti” that includes 50 amazing works of graffiti.  Some are by artists I had heard of (i.e. Banksy), but most are from artists that are less well known.

Below are some of my favorites from the bunch:

“Tribute to Graffiti” via Smashing Magazine

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