
Harmony + Health Acupuncture: Website

Harmony and Health Acupuncture is a new acupuncture clinic in Central Phoenix where the ancient art of Traditional Chinese Medicine  is combined with modern medical science to treat a broad range of conditions. Owner Ann Rea consulted MethodLab Media to design a website for her new business that was clean, modern, and pleasing to the eyes.

For H+H, we developed a website built upon the WordPress platform giving the look and feel of a traditional site, but with the administrative ability for the client to log-in the backend of the site to make edits and changes herself. The site makes great use of the identity and color scheme we developed for H+H, and has just the right amount of movement at the top of the page to create interest, while keeping the site uncluttered. We’re excited to be partnering with Ann and Harmony and Health Acupuncture as they bring there terrific services to Central Phoenix.

Web Design, WordPress development

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